Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Hamon!!

This knife I made to be and every day carry and so I made a pocket sheath with a clip to go along with it. The blade I forged to shape from an old file and then I did a clay heat treat to get the hamon on the blade (the wavy line down the middle of the blade. this was made famous by samurai swords). The handle material I made from an old pair of corduroy pants.
after sharpening it I was able to slice through a single sheet of cigarette rolling paper, so I am pretty sure it is sharp. I am not sure what I am going to do with this one yet, but I do like carrying it!


Eugene Smith said...

That's a beautiful little knife there Josh! I'm still dumbfounded by the corduroy/epoxy handle...pure genius. The clay heat treat impression on the blade is a real nice touch as well, breaks up the face of the blade a little and adds dimension and character. Well done.

Natalie T said...


Eugene Smith said...

Dude, I seriously can't get over the fact that I'm the proud recipient of this blade! I've been using it at work all week, yeah, I'm a total dork, I've cut boxes open with it, cleaned paint brush frays, shanked a dude.... :) I'm stoked. Thanks again man.

Anonymous said...

where can i get one??